Friday 30 January 2015

Book Covers 1900's

In this lesson I looked at a page with the four designs. The class needed to figure out what the difference with each of them was. For example, image 3 was different to the rest as it wasn't advertising an event like the others, it was giving a message. Another example was that image 2 had a different alignment than the others, it was ranged to the left and the others were ranged in the middle. After this task I was told to make a page with several images of book covers between the 1940's - 1990's. I saw that the covers from different years had different styles. For example, in the 1940's the drawings/covers was dull and plain. Most of the covers had white backgrounds.
After the research task I had to create a book cover design of my own. However I didn't create an image of my own but from a secondary source. I found an image in grayscale of a man playing the trumpet. The design of the cover is supposed to be in comparison to a cover in the 1940's so that's why I chose to create my background blank and in have a simple sized font that wrote the title of the book (Street Art).

1 comment:

  1. Good you are posting. I think you have the idea behind looking at others work to get inspiration and how the styles of the period change. All designers should have a good knowledge of what designs have been before them. This gives them a wealth of information to draw on and use for their own work. I should like to see the line drawing on here of the trumpeter rather than the actual picture used for reference. Steve
