What is a grid?

A grid is a 2D structure of interesting lines (vertical, horizontal or angular) that an artist or designer uses to structure content.

Rule of Thirds

What I Think:
I think a designer uses this method to help him copy out an image as the grid helps the designer able to create an identical copy the closest they can.

Actual Reason:
The main reason for observing the rule of thirds is to discourage placement of the subject at the center, or prevent a horizon from appearing to divide the picture in half.

The next step was that I need to make a grid of my own. So I made a 10 x 15 cm page and 150 for the resolution. After creating the page I had  to enabled the 'Rulers' (view -> rulers) and then by dragging a line from the rulers and placing on the page. Horizontally and vertically I placed the lines on every 1 cm. 

After creating these lines started making the grid. I had to use a 'Marquee tool' and start to place black lines. By clicking on the page whilst using the marquee tool I was able to select an area and then by filling in the selected area with black. I had to make a 3 by 3 grid.

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