The Rat

When creating this image i had to first find images of the a rat, so I would get a rough idea on how a rat looks like. So I chose this image which I think gave a good and easy description of a rat.

After obtaining this image i drew a copy but in a different position so I would fit my idea. This idea was that an evil and dirty rat is trying to get into a home, but fortunately struggling. When drawing this image I used live paint to colour in the image. To do this I had to follow these steps:

Colour using Live Trace and Paint

1 - Select Image
2 - Control Panel - Select Trace
3 - Expand
4 - Select Colour

Make Live Paint Object

5 - Object > Live > Paint Make
6 - Drop in Colour
7 - Expand

Here is my final Piece:

Sadly I didn't add a title. :(

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