Friday 9 January 2015

Flash Tutorial

In this part of the lesson I had to create an animation of a moving object. Firstly, I had to create a shape so I chose a skateboard. After creating the shape I needed to create it as a Symbol. By doing this I had to go on modify on the task bar above and then click on convert to symbol. I was then able to start moving it around and creating an animation. So when creating it I had to first insert a keyframe on the 12th frame by right clicking it and selecting insert key frame. After creating a key frame I placed the image on the other side of the page.  Then I created another frame on the next 12th frame and place the image on the original area. After creating the whole clip I highlighted the timeline selected classic tween on the insert bar on the task bar above. This created a smooth and well running animation clip of a skateboard moving back and forward.

1 comment:

  1. Great! We could export this as an animated gif so that it shows what the animation is. Well done. Steve
