Friday 14 November 2014


Today I played around in photoshop and created an image of a piece of graffiti art with my name as the design. I first needed to get an image of a wall from the teachers folder and then I had draw out my name. I used a default paintbrush and the size was 20. After drawing out my name (in black) I double clicked on the layer I drew on the layers window, another window popped up called layers style. I was able to fiddle about with different effects and came up with this.

After finishing off this task, I was told to recreate the same design as much as i can but with different lettering/ different word. I was able to remember the colour and what brush tool I used, however I forgot the size of the brush which made a big difference in the design in my opinion.


  1. The work looks good! The Graffiti word for the magazine cover was meant to replicate the style from the first one, which you correctly note doesn't. You must remember to keep some notes as you work along. Both look fine, but if the client has asked specifically for the style of the one using your name they would have been perhaps disappointed.

  2. What has happened to the posting for last week? Steve
