Today I learnt how to change the resolution depending on how i want my image to come out like. I found out that the more higher the number in the resolution, the better it will come out. For the task i was set to do, I chose to make the resolution 150 pixels/inch as I didn't need it high and also 300 pixels/inch would of made my task a little bit harder as it would of made it slow.
I also learnt how to morph an object by using the 'mesh distort' tool (object -> Envelope distort -> mesh distort). With this tool I was able to change the features of the dog with the way I like it. To morph an image I first needed to get an image from the internet.
I was able to change the grid on the image, however I left both the row and column section as 4.
After adjusting the face of the dog my final piece came out like this.
Other examples:
After distorting a lot of faces of different animals, I added the heads on an image of mafia men which I also took the heads off.
When creating this image I used the 'clone stamp tool' to fill the in the transparent areas.
Great! What a brilliant image. Well done! Steve